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Cyprus: a natural film studio

Invest Cyprus undertook the responsibility of developing the film industry and promoting Cyprus as a unique film destination. As the government’s dedicated partner for attracting investment into the island, Invest Cyprus, serves as a one-stop shop for film production and a liaison between foreign producers and local professionals.

Invest Cyprus works to attract film productions and investments in infrastructure. It also chairs the Cyprus Film Commission that manages the Cyprus Film Scheme, giving the opportunity to production companies that opt to film in Cyprus to choose between cash rebate of up to 40%, tax discounts on investments made on equipment and infrastructure, and VAT returns on expenditure in scope.



Why Cyprus:

  • 1 300+ days of sunshine
  • 2 Short internal distances
  • 3 Short distances from Europe and the Middle East
  • 4 A varied, unspoiled and captivating landscape
  • 5 Centuries of art and culture
  • 6 Harmonious blend of different cultures
  • 7 English widely spoken
Cyprus: A natural Film Studio

What we can do for you

We provide hands-on support with

  • 1 Location selection process
  • 2 Setting up a business in Cyprus
  • 3 Relocation of family members & staff
  • 4 Facilitation of newcomers
  • 5 Aftercare services for existing investors

Inquiry Form