Familly Offices & Trusts

Cyprus as a jurisdiction of choice for Family Offices

Family Offices are seeing growing popularity, as they offer efficient safeguarding of wealth, greater control, and operate a lower cost than alternative types of investment. When choosing a location, Family Offices look for the availability of skilled staff, a modern local tax regime, a tried, tested and up-to-date regulatory framework, and political stability. Cyprus offers all of these and more.

Cyprus is considered one of the most attractive tax jurisdictions in Europe offering multiple incentives and advantages to international companies and high-net-worth individuals.

Why set up a family office in Cyprus

Strategic location

at the crossroads of three continents

Member of the EU

and Eurozone

Transparent legal system

founded on UK Common Law

Attractive tax

environment with one of the lowest corporate income tax rates in the EU at 12.5%


Extensive network

of double tax treaties

No succession


No taxation of capital gains

(except for disposal of real estate in Cyprus or shares of company holding real estate in Cyprus to the extent gains are attributable to the real estate holding)


Well coordinated

investment approach

Structures for family offices in Cyprus

There are various structures that may be set up in Cyprus for Family Offices, including family protection schemes (trusts) and collective investment schemes

  • 1 Private Trust Companies
  • 2 Companies Limited by Guarantee
  • 3 Foundations
  • 4 Investment Funds

Cyprus International Trusts: Benefits and Formation

The formation of trusts is recommended for the protection of assets, international tax planning, as a means of managing succession issues and as an aid in asset management. As Cyprus  trusts are established in accordance with the Cyprus International Trusts Law of 1992, which follows the UK Common Law principles of equity with respect to the formation of trusts. Cyprus also ranks high as one of the most attractive jurisdictions for international tax planning as its transparent and modern legal system facilitates this.

Why setting up a Cyprus International Trust

A Cyprus International Trust offers asset protection

and it protects the interests of beneficiaries as the assets within a Cyprus International Trust are segregated from the settlor’s funds

Settlors manage

their property in perpetuity

The activity of a Cyprus International Trust

in Cyprus operates according to the terms of the trust agreement/deed and is not limited by Law.

The trust property may include all kinds

of assets and property anywhere in the world.

In the case of a beneficiary who is not a resident of Cyprus,

the income and profits of a Cyprus International Trust, which are acquired or are considered to be acquired from sources outside of Cyprus are not subject to any tax imposed in Cyprus.

Confidentiality: A Cyprus International Trust

is subject to strict confidentiality



There is no requirement for registration

of constitutional documents and financial statements of the Cyprus International Trust.

A Cyprus International Trust is not subject

to contest by the creditors of the settlor unless it is proven at court that the trust was set up to defraud such creditors.

What we can do for you

We provide hands-on support with

  • 1 Location selection process
  • 2 Setting up a business in Cyprus
  • 3 Relocation of family members & staff
  • 4 Facilitation of newcomers
  • 5 Aftercare services for existing investors

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