Relocate your Business to Cyprus

Why Cyprus

A modern European Union state

Cyprus is the third-largest island in the Mediterranean Sea, located at the eastern end of Europe, at the crux of the busy shipping and air routes linking three continents, Europe, Africa, and Asia. The island, through its rich and fascinating history, going back more than 10,000 years, has developed into a modern European Union state,  and an investment and technology hub that is valued internationally.

Relocation Highlights

Geostrategic location with market access to 500M EU consumers with close proximity to MENA region

Access to tech-savvy EU and international talent pool

Well-educated, highly skilled, multilingual workforce

Revised Immigration & Relocation policy for non-EU tech professionals

Business Facilitation Unit

Attractive corporate & income tax regime with advantageous incentives

Favorable IP regime as low as 2.5%

Low cost of doing business

Labor costs for tech talent

below EU average

Office rental costs

amongst the lowest in Europe

Competitive prices

for commercial real estate

Low fees for setting up

and operating companies


Cost-effective, high quality

business support services

Regulatory framework

aligned with the EU

Legal system

aligned to UK Common Law

Enviable lifestyle in a safe

clean and healthy environment

What we can do for you

We provide hands-on support with

  • 1 Location selection process
  • 2 Setting up a business in Cyprus
  • 3 Relocation of family members & staff
  • 4 Facilitation of newcomers
  • 5 Aftercare services for existing investors

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